Safe Ear Curettes™
Bionix Safe Ear Curettes™ allow healthcare providers to safely and gently remove cerumen with styles to match different types of wax and personal preference.
Lighted Ear Curette™
Bionix Lighted Ear Curette™ combines illumination and magnification to help healthcare providers take less time to see and safely remove cerumen from the ear canal.
Part#:ALC2210 (Lighted AngleLoop)
Part#:ALC2220 (Lighted MicroLoop)
Part#:ALC2250 (Lighted CeraSpoon)
Part#:ALC2260 (Lighted InfantScoop)
Part#:ALC2230 (Lighted WaveCurette)
Part#:ALC2240 (Lighted FlexLoop)
Part#:ALC2270 (Lighted VersaLoop)
Part#:ALC2280 (Lighted CeraPik)
Part#:ALC3330 (ClearLook Lighted VersaLoop)
Part#:ALC3340 (ClearLook Lighted FlexLoop)
Part#:ALC2200 (Light Source Handle only)
Part#:ALC2265 (Magnification Lens only)
OtoClear® Ear Irrigation Tips & Systems
Bionix OtoClear® Ear Irrigation Tips & Systems help healthcare workers provide safe and comfortable ear irrigation without the backsplash, at half the cost of a self-constructed device.
Part#: ALC7200
Lighted Placement Tool
Bionix Placement Tool combines illumination, magnification, and 5 depth guides to help Audiologists take less time to safely and accurately place a foam block deep in the ear.
Part#: ALC2850
Lighted Forceps for Foreign Body Removal
Bionix Lighted Forceps combine illumination and magnification to help healthcare providers take less time to see and safely remove ear canal and nasal passage obstructions.
Part#: ALC2750
Lighted Articulating Ear Curette™
Bionix Lighted Articulating Ear Curette™ combines illumination, magnification and a 90⁰ articulating tip to help healthcare providers take less time to see and safely remove ear canal and nasal passage obstructions.
Part#: ALC2511
Lighted Suction for Cerumen Removal
Bionix Lighted Suction combines illumination and magnification with the efficiency of a suction device, allowing healthcare providers take less time to see and safely remove ear canal and nasal passage obstructions.
Part#: ALC2625