Benson CCA-100 MINI
Compact and cost effective computer controlled system, can store up to 300 Audiograms, fast, full-page reports with Audiogram, demographic, exposure data and Frequency averages for WSIB on standard paper for convenient permanent record keeping
Benson CCA-200 MINI
The CCA-200 mini has standard expanded capabilities: Storing unlimited number of subjects and audiograms, user test configuration for even faster testing.
Benson's ccf-200 fit test
The CCF-200 Fit Test automatically measures the sound attenuation that an individual subject receives while wearing earplugs. The system reports a Personal Attenuation Rating (PAR) in decibels, representing the amount of protection. The CCF-200 integrates the fit testing into the hearing testing process: after a few simple instructions at the conclusion of the audiogram,
you can add fit testing to the annual regimen.
Benson's ccs-200 sPIROMETER
The CCS-200 spirometer produces accurate and repeatable spirograms for use in NIOSH-compliant programs. The single-use disposable mouthpiece mounts easily and securely in the handle, and is removed after testing with the press of a button.